Autumn Harvest: Apples, apples, and more apples

Autumn is here and with it comes our ridiculous bounty of tree fruit. We’ve been through raspberry season (July), blueberry season (July/August), peach season (August), blackberry season (August), and grape season (August). Now we’re into apple and pear season, and have to make some room in the freezer amongst all the berries. Last week we picked 15 lbs of apples and had a marathon apple processing session: nine apple crisps (some with berries) and three apple-ginger pies, all safely stowed away in the freezer. Thing is, we just picked another 15 lbs of apples on Monday. And we haven’t even started on the pears. Anyone want some fresh fruit?

We let the grass in the orchard grow long over summer to keep some moisture in the ground. We haven’t watered the trees once this summer and they’ve still produced a great harvest.
So many apples!
These are delicious. Not too sweet, nice and crispy, no worm holes, good size.
Processing some of the 15 lbs of apples.
Almost enough for a pie, just a few more apples to go.
Loads of apple crisp topping! Used up two pounds of butter.
The fruits (lol) of our labours. We’ll be happy to pull these out in the middle of winter.
2023 pie–had to keep one out for dessert.
Tasty. Now on to the pears…

What are you harvesting right now? Are you preserving your harvest? Or are you lucky enough to have friends and neighbours who share their bounty with you (zucchinis don’t count!)?

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