Website revamp

Some of my old photography from 2012-2013.

I have just started revamping my website, which includes a move to a new domain and hosting company. The site is there but definitely not ready for show yet – I’ll post a link here once it’s ready to go!

In the meantime, I’ll be over here in the corner trying to turn my 318 blog posts into a single Word document so I can print them for myself in a personal book. I’d like to save them as a hard copy so if anything happens to the digital stuff I still have something to work with. Plus it lets me reread my blog posts and hey, some of them are pretty interesting!

See you next week.

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3 thoughts on “Website revamp”

  1. I recall hearing about an app/publisher that does what you’re taking about – publishing all your blogs in a book. A little research might make that go faster and easier!


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