International Women's Day 2016: Link Roundup

[Updated March 9th to add the @IAmSciComm list of women science communicators]
Today was International Women’s Day, a day we celebrate the achievements of women around the globe.
Obviously my personal focus is on women in science and academia, and I ran across a lot of interesting stuff on the web today. I thought I’d collate them all here for those who are interested.

  1. On the Canadian Science Publishing blog, the interviewer became the interviewee – I was interviewed by Communications Manager Rebecca Ross about the women in science series I write for them, and about women in science in general.
  2. At Times Higher Education, Jenny Pickerell (a geographer like me!) wrote eloquently about being female in academia.
  3. This was published before #IWD2016, but it’s worth a read. Scientist Hope Jahren writes in the New York Times about sexual harassment in academic science.
  4. The Canadian Science Policy Conference featured a number of researchers, initiatives, and perspectives on women in science – including a video message from Kirsty Duncan, our Minister of Science.
  5. The Canadian government has promised that a woman/women (?) will appear on the next issue of Canadian bank notes in 2018. You have until April 15th to nominate who you think should be on our money!
  6. The DMZ at Ryerson University celebrated International Women’s Day with a series of speakers and events championing women in technology and entrepreneurship.
  7. The University of Toronto interviewed former Status of Women and current gender studies prof, Connie Guberman, on the importance of #IWD2016.
  8. The guest curator of the @IAmSciComm Twitter account created a list of over 200 women science communicators on Twitter!
  9. Paige Brown, over at From the Lab Bench, blogged about “Being Female in Science.”
  10. A recent report from Informed Opinions shows that women remain underrepresented as both subjects and sources in Canadian media.
  11. A 2012 report from the Council of Canadian Academies on women in university research shows that the percentage of women drops precipitously as you move up the academic ranks.

Thanks to Daniel Munro (@dk_munro) for sharing this on Twitter.

These are just a few of the articles I ran across today on women in science and academia. I’m always on the lookout for more, so please share your finds in the comments!
Happy International Women’s Day 2016!

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